Poetas chilenas en la Embajada de Rumania
en Santiago de Chile (desde izquierda):
en Santiago de Chile (desde izquierda):
Carmen Troncoso, Margarita Bustos,
Nora Guevara, Violeta Guiraldes
Nora Guevara, Violeta Guiraldes
La Antología “Vertebral”, publicada en 2017 en “Bibliotheca Universalis”, la colección iniciada en 2014 por la revista “Horizonte literario contemporáneo”, llegó a Chile y está en la etapa de difusión. El libro chileno-rumano fue presentado en la Embajada de Rumanía y a continuación será presentado en otros lugares importantes, como la Feria del Libro de Santiago, la Fundación Pablo Neruda, el Centro Cultural Español, el Palacio Álamos, la Casa Michoacán. Una lectura publica tendrá también lugar en la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Chile. Coordinada por nuestra colaboradora honoraria de Chile, Carmen Troncoso Baeza, la antología “Vertebral” reúne en una selección de valor poemas de Amanda Espejo, Begoña Ugalde Pascual, Damaris Calderon Campos, Fanny Campos, Haydee Herrera, Margarita Bustos Castillo, Alejandra Basualto, María Elena Blanco, María Violeta Güiraldes del Canto, Maritza Barreto, Nora Guevara García, Pauline Le Roy, Victoria Herreros Schenke y Carmen Troncoso misma. La difusión en Chile del libro será realizada por las diligencias del editor Jorge Calvo. No cabe duda que esta antología ofrece al publico latinoamericano una imagen pertinente sobre las disponibilidades y los valores de la creación poetica femenina chilena y también da una nueva dimensión a las relaciones culturales intercontinentales entre Chile y Rumanía. La unidad de aspiraciones positivas, la hermandad y la solidaridad humana entre los creadores de poesía del mundo es el mensaje que esta antología comunica sútilmente. El trabajo de Carmen Troncoso y del editor chileno Jorge Calvo, juntos con las representantes de la poesía chilena, es de sobra merecedor de nuestro aprecio y nuestra admiración.
The „Vertebral” Anthology, published in Bibliotheca Universalis in 2017, the collection initiated by „Contemporary Literary Horizon” in 2014, has reached Chile and it is currently undergoing distribution. The Chilean-Romanian book was presented at the Romanian Embassy and it will be presented in other important places such as the Book Fair in Santiago, the Pablo Neruda Foundation, the Spanish Cultural Centre, The Alamos Palace, and the Michoacan House. A public lecture will also take place at the Catholic University in Santiago de Chile. Coordinated by our collaborator Carmen Troncoso Baeza, the „Vertebral” Anthology features a precious selection of poems by Amanda Espejo, Begoña Ugalde Pascual, Damaris Calderon Campos, Fanny Campos, Haydee Herrera, Margarita Bustos Castillo, Alejandra Basualto, María Elena Blanco, María Violeta Güiraldes del Canto, Maritza Barreto, Nora Guevara García, Pauline Le Roy, Victoria Herreros Schenke and – of course – by Carmen Troncoso herself. The book will be distributed in Chile through the efforts of editor Jorge Calvo. There is no doubt that this anthology offers the Latin-American public a significant image of the potential and value of feminine Chilean poetic creation and gives a new dimension to the intercontinental cultural relations between Chile and Romania. The unity of positive aspirations, human fraternity and solidarity among world poetry creators is the message that this anthology subtly communicates. The efforts of Carmen Troncoso and of the Chilean editor Jorge Calvo together with those of the representatives of the Chilean poetry fully deserve our admiration and appreciation.
The „Vertebral” Anthology, published in Bibliotheca Universalis in 2017, the collection initiated by „Contemporary Literary Horizon” in 2014, has reached Chile and it is currently undergoing distribution. The Chilean-Romanian book was presented at the Romanian Embassy and it will be presented in other important places such as the Book Fair in Santiago, the Pablo Neruda Foundation, the Spanish Cultural Centre, The Alamos Palace, and the Michoacan House. A public lecture will also take place at the Catholic University in Santiago de Chile. Coordinated by our collaborator Carmen Troncoso Baeza, the „Vertebral” Anthology features a precious selection of poems by Amanda Espejo, Begoña Ugalde Pascual, Damaris Calderon Campos, Fanny Campos, Haydee Herrera, Margarita Bustos Castillo, Alejandra Basualto, María Elena Blanco, María Violeta Güiraldes del Canto, Maritza Barreto, Nora Guevara García, Pauline Le Roy, Victoria Herreros Schenke and – of course – by Carmen Troncoso herself. The book will be distributed in Chile through the efforts of editor Jorge Calvo. There is no doubt that this anthology offers the Latin-American public a significant image of the potential and value of feminine Chilean poetic creation and gives a new dimension to the intercontinental cultural relations between Chile and Romania. The unity of positive aspirations, human fraternity and solidarity among world poetry creators is the message that this anthology subtly communicates. The efforts of Carmen Troncoso and of the Chilean editor Jorge Calvo together with those of the representatives of the Chilean poetry fully deserve our admiration and appreciation.
Antologia “Vertebral”, publicată în 2017 în “Bibliotheca Universalis’, colecţia iniţiată în 2014 de revista “Orizont literar contemporan”, a ajuns în Chile şi se află în faza de difuzare. Cartea chiliano-română a fost prezentată la Ambasada României şi va fi prezentata în continuare în alte locuri importante, precum Târgul Cărţii din Santiago, Fundaţia Pablo Neruda, Centrul Cultural Spaniol, Palatul Alamos, Casa Michoacan. O lectura publică va avea de asemenea loc la Universitatea Catolică din Santiago de Chile. Coordonată de către colaboratoarea noastră Carmen Troncoso Baeza, antologia “Vertebral” grupează într-o selecţie de valoare poeme de Amanda Espejo, Begoña Ugalde Pascual, Damaris Calderon Campos, Fanny Campos, Haydee Herrera, Margarita Bustos Castillo, Alejandra Basualto, María Elena Blanco, María Violeta Güiraldes del Canto, Maritza Barreto, Nora Guevara García, Pauline Le Roy, Victoria Herreros Schenke şi – cu voia dumneavoastră – de Carmen Troncoso însăşi. Difuzarea în Chile a cărţii va fi realizată prin diligenţele editorului Jorge Calvo. Nu încape îndoială că această antologie oferă publicului latinoamerican o imagine pertinentă despre disponibilităţile şi valorile creaţiei poetice feminine din Chile şi dă o dimensiune nouă relaţiilor culturale intercontinentale dintre Chile şi România. Unitatea de aspiraţii pozitive, fraternitatea umană şi solidaritatea dintre creatorii de poezie ai lumii este mesajul care se comunică în mod subtil prin această antologie. Strădaniile lui Carmen Troncoso şi ale editorului chilian Jorge Calvo, alături de reprezentantele poeziei chiliene, merită cu prisosinţă aprecierea şi admiraţia noastră.
Daniel Dragomirescu, editor de "Bibliotheca Universalis"
Translators: Roxana Doncu (English) & Diana Dragomirescu (Spanish)
Translators: Roxana Doncu (English) & Diana Dragomirescu (Spanish)
3 comentarii:
Congratulations to all involved in this part of the BU project! A lovely photo, too. Best wishes from the UK, Caroline
Thank you for your kind congratulation!
Muitos parabéns a todos!
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