sâmbătă, 3 octombrie 2015


(in memory of Terry Hetherington, Welsh poet)

Stars shine,
flowers of broken glass
on the mind’s black carpet.

The prayers of gods
romantic notes

written by time’s
slow burning.
They snag

the deadened eyes
of the loneliest
of men.

The night’s burrs,
frosted codes
of the earth-palaced

kings of Egypt,
how they scratch
the stares of silence,

wound like fine dust
the emptied-out soul,
the universe of being.

Snow cobwebs
of shining thoughts,

with eternity,
unfinished elegy
on the page of the sky.

(în amintirea lui Terry Hetherington, poet galez)

Stelele strălucesc,
flori de sticlă spartă
pe covorul negru al gândurilor.

Rugăciunile către zeități
note romantice

scrise de arderea
blândă a timpului.
Se prind
în ochii umbriți
ai celor mai singuri

Ciulinii nopții,
coduri înghețate
ale regilor Egiptului

cu palate din țărână,
cum zgârie ei
privirile fixe ale tăcerii,

cum rănesc ei prăfuind
sufletul pustiit,
universul ființei.

Fire de păianjen ca neaua
din gânduri sclipitoare
pun la cale

cu nemărginirea
o elegie neterminată
pe fila cerului.

(din volumul Poeme alese,
col. “Bibliotheca Universalis’)

Cultural Profile

  Peter Thabit Jones is a Welsh writer, born in 1951, who has published mainly poetry, but also drama and prose, and has been teaching literature and creative writing at Swansea University for twenty-two years. His work has been awarded and translated into many languages and this is his fourth collection translated into Romanian.
  The poet subtly suggests the art of poetry may be helpful in coming to grips with difficulties, failure, crisis, trauma, anything that usually overwhelms and petrifies the contemporary man. Choosing pain as the very source of your art, not so much trying to make sense of it, but to live on in its presence, no matter if inside or outside the self – that is the challenge.
  Peter Thabit Jones is a honorary contributor of CLH from 2009.

Traducere şi prezentare de Monica Manolachi
Universitatea din Bucureşti

2 comentarii:

Doris Dolly spunea...

Daniel ...¡¡ muy interesantes tus letras !!!

Recibe mi saludo desde Argentina

Caroline Gill spunea...

Exciting! And a terrific photo, too.