sâmbătă, 31 decembrie 2016


Acknowledged as one of the most grim years the world has endured for many a decade, 2016 was, nevertheless, the year which also saw Contemporary Literary Horizon go from strength to greater strength, consistently publishing journals packed with rich content and numerous collections and anthologies of first-rate poetry. In 2017, the troubled world might take a few lessons upon itself by following the internationalist and profoundly friendly example of CLH. My vote is cast for Daniel Dragomirescu and his CLH party.

Douglas Lipton (Dunfries, Scotland)

 "Never forget: Library"!

There once was a monster
Called ignorance
There was a monster
Called illiteracy
Never mind the monsters
Go to the Library

"Glöm aldrig: Bibliotek"!

Det var en gång ett monster
Som hade namnet okunnighet
Det fanns ett monster som hette analfabetism
Bry er inte om monstren
Gå till biblioteket

Ludvig Holmdahl (Lund, Sweden)

To the new year
We are thrown on one another,
beginners on a course
that could go anywhere.
I bring what I cling to,
you come from deep space.
I'll tell you what I want
but not in words.
You'll do as you intend
and I am bound to you.
Be my courageous friend.


Noo we're thegither
we stert oor stravaig
tae whaur we dinnae ken.
I'll hae ma trappins,
ye hae cam faur wi nane.
I canna set doun wurds
fur whit I'd see ye bring.
Ye'll dae yer wurst an best
braw freen, an I maun thole
wi cheer yer companie.

Sally Evans (Callander, Scotland)

Happy New Year to All!
A Guid New Year tae Yin and Aa!
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta Kaikille!

Donald Adamson (Finland)

Best literary 2017 for every reader of CLH! Parasta kirjallista vuotta 2017 CKH:n lukijoille!

Rita Dahl (Finland)

Thank you very much for your supportive messages and for this suggestion, which I should like to take up. I much appreciate your kind help and all the work you and your colleagues have been doing for myself and other poets,

I send you my warm good wishes for a happy and succesfful 2017.

Martin Bates (Scotland)

Estimados amigos y lectores de la revista Orizont Literar Contemporan, les deseo que el 2017  sea muy feliz para todos y que se cumplan todos sus deseos!
Poštovani prijatelji i čitatelji časopisa Orizont Literar Contemporan želim da vam 2017. godina svima bude sretna i da se ispune sve vaše želje!

Željka Lovrenčić (Croatia)

Santa aulaga:
nos diste la pobreza
Endúlzame el vinagre
que hierve en esta sed.

Santa aulaga
del espíritu blanco
sobre el muro de toba.

¿Cómo llenar el hueco
que destiñe la luz?

Antonio Arroyo Silva (Spain, Canarias)

Ano Novo

Renovação, renascimento
Que os novos dias cheguem de mansinho
E tragam alegrias nas asas do vento

Que os seus sussurros cantem amor
E a inspiração seja de verdade
Coração de luz desabrochando em flor

Urge a vontade de fazer sorrir
De ser criança, abraçar a cor
De não mais chorar lágrimas de dor
De ser essência, mundo a descobrir

Feliz 2017

Marilia Silva (Portugal)

Neujahrsgruß 2017

Gehet hin gefasst!
Habet Mut!
Entsorget alte Last.
Wisset endlich!
Endlich, was ihr tut!
Für ein neues Leben in der Welt.

New Year's Greentings 2017

Go your way coolly!
Show courage!
Dispose of inherited burdens.
Get to know at last,
finally, what you are doing!
For a new life in the world.

Raymond Walden (Germany)

Il mondo ci lascia senza parole, ci sentiamo depressi e delusi, ma è proprio questo il momento in cui occorre reagire, occorre andare avanti, non darla vinta alle forze dell'oscurantismo, dell'odio e della intolleranza!
Questo auguro a te e a tutti coloro che amano la Poesia come noi la amiamo: che la Poesia possa essere SEMPRE al nostro fianco, e ci preservi dalle paludi dell'inganno e della paura. Noi non avremo paura, mai, perché amiamo, e l'amore non conosce la paura.
Un abbraccio a tutti!

Marianna Piani (Italy)

Fie ca Anul Nou să ne găsească alături de prieteni, în marea familie internațională a OLC-ului! May the New Year find us among friends, in the great international family of the CLH!

Roxana Doncu (Romania)

Dear people of the world,

We're all brothers and sisters...we come from the same people.
If we don't help each other now, the world could become
total chaos. Do what Jesus said, or, do what Buddha said
and love thy neighbor....before it's too late.

John Tischer (US – Mexico)

Now, at 12:41 PM, Eastern Daylight Time,
we are one year behind you further east.
How is the New Year, you who now know it?
The Old Year here doesn't know it's almost over.
It trickles on through the gutters and into
the sewers and through them into the
water reclamation plant downriver, and then
back into the ocean, flowing ever Eastward,
towards all of you already in the Future. 
We who are still in last year now salute you! 

Donald Riggs (United States)

J'ai vu un merle
au sommet d'une arbre
il chante, lui seule
comme s'il suit la lumière,
chante bienvenue a la nuit.
Le soir est doux
entre chien et loup
et le merle chante bienvenue.

I saw a blackbird
on the top of a tree,
he sings, solitary,
as if following the light,
sings welcome to the night.
The evening is mild,
in the twilight
the blackbird sings welcome.

Morelle Smith (Scotland)

Hello from Paisley in wet and windy Scotland.
Best wishes for a creative, safe and peaceful 2017.
Keep writing, keep hoping, keep proving that humanity
has more to offer than despair, prejudice and violence.

Graham Fulton (Scotland)


The end of a year
should raise our chins
for more blows

for we are not
in the business of dying
until we are dying

… and a kiss
might lose its way
to land on us

Happy New Year!

Eileen R. Tabios (United States - Philippines)

Best wishes, Daniel and friends, in all of your literary endeavors in 2017.

I'm looking forward to reading more poetry and prose from everyone associated with Contemporary Literary Horizon.

Alex Kudera (United States)

Nuovo anno

Passa l’anno.
Il tempo è un serpente che cambia pelle.
Un nuovo anno arriva.
Il tempo indossa il vestito migliore.
L’inganno è lo stesso, si  ripete.
Non basta un nuovo calendario
a darci un nuovo sguardo.
Tuttavia lasciamoci alle spalle
i dolori del passato.
E andiamo incontro all’ignoto.

Ettore Fobo (Italy)

Dear all our global friends at 'Orizont Literar Contemporan', may we wish you a peaceful and productive new year in 2017. It is a privilege to be part of such a creative literary family which extends to all corners of the earth. 

David and Caroline Gill (United Kingdom)

Years, old and new,
come and go and whirl and flow –
seagulls on the shore. 

Monica Manolachi (România)

My wishes for 2017

Aprèn la humilitat del gra de sorra, 
fes-te buit, si de corba suau i 
porós epiteli que acaroni.
Fes dels teus límits el ventre
acollidor de l’estranger,
aquell no-res immens on qualsevol
Ulisses hi trobi un aixopluc.

I casa seva.

My wishes for 2017

Aprende la humildad del grano de arena, 
hazte vacío, seno de curva
suave y poroso epitelio que acaricie.
Haz de tus límites el vientre
acogedor del extranjero,
aquella nada inmensa donde cualquier
Ulises encuentre su refugio.

Y una casa.

Anna Rossell (Spain)

Once again our best wishes for 2017. Keep Romania in the race, beacon of literary joy in large parts of the world!

Albert Hagenaars (The Netherlands)

luni, 26 decembrie 2016


1.Marina Centeno (Mexico). 2. Anna Francisca Rodas Iglesias (Colombia). 3. Roxana Doncu (Romania). 4. Monica Manolachi (Romania). 5. Sally Evans (UK). 6. Caroline Gill (UK). 7. Morelle Smith (UK). 8. Rocío Espinosa Herrera (Spain-Colombia). 9. Sonia Rabinovich (Argentina). 10.  Anne Stewart (UK). 11. Valerie Fox (US). 12. Anna Rossell (Spain). 13. Alina Velazco (Mexico). 14. Mirian Caloretti Castillo (Peru). 15. Eileen R. Tabios (US – Philippines). 16. Tatiana Rădulescu (Romania). 17. Niza Todaro (Uruguay). 18. Micaela Ghiţescu (Romania). 19. Željka Lovrenčić & Tomislav Marijan Bilosnić (Croatia). 20. Carmen Troncoso (Chile). 21. Lea Diaz (Spain – US). 22. Virginia Patrone (Uruguay - Spain). 23. Julia Gil Lopes (Spain, Canarias). 24. Natalia Canais (Portugal). 

1. Mike Bannister (UK). 2. Donald Riggs (US). 3. Gilvaldo Quinzeiro (Brazil). 4. Felix Martín Arencibia (Spain, Canarias). 5. Luis Benitez (Argentina). 6. Arturo Hernández Fuentes (Mexico). 7. Alex Kudera (US). 8. Ettore Fobo (Italy). 9. Jean Taillabresse (France). 10. Jean Claude Tardif (France). 11. Paul Mein (UK). 12. Donald Adamson (Finland). 13. Ludvig Holmdahl (Sweden). 14. Chokri Omri (Tunisia). 15. Peter Storey (Australia). 16. John Tischer (US-Mexico). 17. Matthias Erdbeer (Germany). 18. Raymond Walden (Germany). 19. Douglas Lipton (UK). 20. Martin Bates (UK). 21. Neil Leadbeater (UK). 22. Antonio Arroyo Silva (Spain, Canarias). 23. Graham Fulton (UK). 24. Kees van Meel (The Netherlands). 25. Martin Sosa Cameron (Argentina). 26. Paul T. E. Cusack (Canada). 27. Leonard Ciureanu (Romania – Italy). 28. Rudy Spillman (Israel). 29. Gheorghe Glodeanu (Romania). 30. Daniel Dragomirescu (Romania). 31. Claudio Sottocornola (Italy). 32. George Vulturescu (Romania). 33. Ion Lazu (Romania). 34. Luis Angel Marín Ibañez (Spain, Canarias). 35. Rob van Uden (The Netherlands). 36. Gregory Vincent St Thomasino (US). 37. Joan Fort i Olivella (Catalunya - Mexico). 38. Paul Sutherland (Canada - UK). 39. Albert Hagenaars (The Netherlands).