I sought the best for you
the way my brother and I
as youngsters once searched,
shopped through a winter night.
‘What should we give mum?’
we asked, for once, in unison
choosing an atrocious perfume.
Recall its squat yellow bottle.
Now I am almost twice as old
as you then; still I’m hunting
for something. It’s your day
this time in May. I’m trailing
along with friends when I stray
into a silver screen emporium.
As if shaking a spell I remember
a loved old film. ‘Would they
have a re-make, restored print?’
But I’m looking, hunting: it’s
not the gift, I tell myself, but
this searching. ‘Lost Horizon?’
We have a new Columbian DVD;
it’s expensive; 7 minutes action
gone: it was considered far too
passive for WWII audiences so
scenes were cut. Replaced with
voiceovers from still photographs.
‘That’s OK’, I reply three times.
At home, we settle into easy chair
and chesterfield; engrossed by its
early colour marvels. Afterwards
you announce: ‘But Shangri-La...
it doesn’t exist.’ Later, when I’ve
gone off for a day to somewhere,
on your own you watch it again.
When I return ‘Yes, I remember,’
you articulate, ‘Shangri-La, I like it,’
adding ‘Thanks’ with a coy look.
the way my brother and I
as youngsters once searched,
shopped through a winter night.
‘What should we give mum?’
we asked, for once, in unison
choosing an atrocious perfume.
Recall its squat yellow bottle.
Now I am almost twice as old
as you then; still I’m hunting
for something. It’s your day
this time in May. I’m trailing
along with friends when I stray
into a silver screen emporium.
As if shaking a spell I remember
a loved old film. ‘Would they
have a re-make, restored print?’
But I’m looking, hunting: it’s
not the gift, I tell myself, but
this searching. ‘Lost Horizon?’
We have a new Columbian DVD;
it’s expensive; 7 minutes action
gone: it was considered far too
passive for WWII audiences so
scenes were cut. Replaced with
voiceovers from still photographs.
‘That’s OK’, I reply three times.
At home, we settle into easy chair
and chesterfield; engrossed by its
early colour marvels. Afterwards
you announce: ‘But Shangri-La...
it doesn’t exist.’ Later, when I’ve
gone off for a day to somewhere,
on your own you watch it again.
When I return ‘Yes, I remember,’
you articulate, ‘Shangri-La, I like it,’
adding ‘Thanks’ with a coy look.
Am căutat ce-i mai bun pentru tine
aşa cum eu şi fratele meu
am căutat odată, pe când eram copii,
am căutat pe o noapte de iarnă.
“Ce să-i luăm mamei?”
ne-am întrebat, o data, la unison
alegând un parfum oribil.
Mi-amintesc cutia galbenă şi turtită.
Acum sunt aproape de două ori mai bătrân
Ca tine atunci; şi încă mai vânez
ceva. E ziua ta
în luna mai. Atârn
în urma prietenilor când mă rătăcesc
într-un mall cu ecran argintiu.
Ca şi cum mă scutur de-o vrajă mi-amintesc
un film vechi şi iubit. “Ar avea
vreun re-make, afişe refăcute?”
Dar caut, vânez: nu-i
cadoul, îmi zic, ci
căutarea. Orizont pierdut?
Avem un nou DVD de la Columbia;
e scump; au dispărut şapte minute
de acţiune: se credea că-i prea
pasiv pentru spectatorii
celui de-al II-lea Război,
aşa că au fost tăiate scene. Înlocuite cu
dublaje din fotografii.
“E-n regulă”, îi răspunde de trei ori.
Acasă ne aşezăm pe fotolii
şi cu chesterfield; absorbiţi
de minunile culorii timpurii. Apoi
anunţi: ”Dar Shangri-la …nu există.”
După ce am plecat o zi pe undeva,
te uiţi din nou la el singură.
Când mă întorc “Da, îmi amintesc,”
zici, “Shangri-La, îmi place”
şi-adaugi “Mersi” cu o privire sfioasă.
Traducere de Aura Mircea
MTTLC, Universitatea din Bucureşti
Photo by Afifa Sutherland
The Canadian-British poet, Paul Sutherland was born in Canada, 1947: his first publication Winter Poems (1970). In 1973, he emigrated to England. Joined York Poetry Workshop (1980) and published The Town Boy (1981). Naturalised British subject, 1985. Co-edited and published Ursula (in memoriam) - 1989. In 1995, he founded and became chief editor of the literary journal Dream Catcher (now in its sixteenth issue). Started creative writing workshops (1997), organising readings for Dream Catcher poets. 1997, graduated with a 1st in English - History combined; winning the Prize for Humanities, and went on to complete a MA in English at University of York. He was Chair of York Arts Arena (1998-1999) and co-coordinator of York Poetry Festival (1999). 2000, collaborated with musician Graeme Scott to produce a poetry and music CD, Mid-Atlantic. His writing's appeared in Texts' Bones, Pennine Platform, Aierings, PTO, Brando's Hat, Nightingale, the Thinker and Lincolnshire Echo etc. He frequently performs his work, e.g. at the Off The Shelf Festival, Salisbury Poetry Cafe, Lincoln Book Festival, and in Scotland as guest of Highland Arts and at a Global Village Peace Gathering. Recent readings include: Neo-Cafe Bookshop in Cockermouth, Bear Cafe in Todmorden; Lauderdale House in London and at NK School in Lincolnshire on National Poetry Day.
Paul Sutherland, poet de origine canadiană şi britanică, ajunge în Marea Britanie în 1973. Are şase volume şi publică alte şase. Şapte ode ale Pământului (Endpaper Press, 2004) a câştigat aprecieri critice pozitive în Marea Britanie, în SUA şi Canada. Paul Sutherland este fondatorul “Detectivului de Vise”, o publicaţie internaţională renumită, ajunsă la cea de-a 23-a ediţie. Interpret remarcabil, şi-a recitat poemele în public în nenumărate rânduri. A participat la festivaluri şi a condus cercuri de scriere creativă pentru toate vârstele şi nivelurile. Poemele sale au apărut în publicaţii precum: Orbis, Fin, Brando’s Hat (Pălăria lui Brando), Penine Platform, Poetry New Zeeland (Poezia din Noua Zeelandă), Nassau Review (SUA), Lincolnshire Echo (Ecoul din Lincolnshire), şi Aireings printre altele, precum şi în antologii vaste ca North Yorkshire 199, Spires & Steeples (Turle si Clopotniţe), Tales of the Fox (Povestirile vulpii), Pendulum (Pendula) şi în Lincolnshire Anthology (Antologia Lincolnshire) urmând să apară în International Other Voices Anthology ( Antologia internaţională a altor voci) ce se va edita în 2009.
Traducere de Roxana Drăguşin
3 comentarii:
Aunque no entiendo tu idioma pienso que será algo bello. Felicidades
Hola Paul... Saludos para ti y para todos en la familia HCL.
Menos mal existe google translate je,je,je. El curso de Ingles lo harè el proximo semestre. He podido màs o menos leer tu bella poesia... Felicitaciones y felicidades a todas las madres que frecuentan y hacen parte de HLC.
Un fuerte abrazo y Dios les bendiga.
Fra Rodolfo de Jesùs O.Carm
Paul, this is the most beautiful poem I have read in a while. Heartbreakingly touching...
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