The right for freedom of thought is manifested in twelve Cosmonomic Theses.
They are an invitation to reasonably respect every single person. In addition, dignity demands a firm stand against the destructiveness that is ruling archaically over the globe as the selfish power struggle of single persons, cliques or even misled peoples.
Nature follows evolutionary developments according neutral laws. This means that there are life protecting as well as life destroying principles. In this view, nature is without mercy and without compromise. But the human brain is enabled by education to humanize the laws of nature and gain profit from them to enjoy life and ease the natural and convenient death. This is a particular understanding that egoism can’t be the basis of humanity. Instead an individualism is needed, which is essential to an improving human society that regards the human being superior to any created ideal.
1st Cosmonomic Thesis: Human Dignity. There is no higher value than human dignity. It is unimpeachable.
2nd Cosmonomic Thesis: Equal Rights. All people have equal rights from the very beginning of life. Peerage is anachronistic; clerical and military rankings as well as academic degress give information about functions within the world of labour, but don’t play any role in public life. Complete gender emancipation does not indicate equalization of men and women but the appreciation of their supplemtary gender-specific differences.
3rd Cosmonomic Thesis: Non-killing Commandment Nobody has the right to kill a person except in self-defence.
4th Cosmonomic Thesis: Dying with Dignity. Everybody is entitled to a dignified death by choosing ease of pain and death granted preferably after an early decree during lifetime.
5th Cosmonomic Thesis: Sexuality. Human sexuality is originally a private affair and depends only on human dignity under free control by the partners involved.
6th Cosmonomic Thesis: Social Care. Society is obliged to grant health-care, education and labour to every person.
7th Cosmonomic Thesis: Personal Success. There is a fair competition of talent and ability for professional success. Cartels and combines take advantage without justification.
8th Cosmonomic Thesis: Economy of Participation. Properties and merits that were established by honest work must be respected. The laws of inheritance have to be put into perspective in order to avoid big landowners and encourage in any concerns the middle-classes. Honesty stands for provability and transparency of the whole economic system and rejects the exploiting capitalism to establish a human economy of participation that reduces and finally defeats poverty.
9th Cosmonomic Thesis: View of the World. There might be democratic discussions about the views of the world, they have to be tolerated as far as they are free from violence. Indoctrination and missionary work come into conflict with the individual development of the intellectual mind.
10th Cosmonomic Thesis: Environment. The enviroment belongs to all people in the same way as all people belong to the environment. The result of that is: Protection of animals, plants and landscape and the condemnation of the exploitation of natural resources just for some individuals' benefit.
11th Cosmonomic Thesis: Causality. Considering all methods of thinking, it is to say that the causal-logical, scientific method is by far the most reliable one to support human dignity and to give respect to the individual. Religion and esoterism are well-known patterns of subduing and oppressing the believers via man-made “Gods” and their representatives.
12th Cosmonomic Thesis: Democracy. Comparing the systems of states, democracy is the most favourable constitution; nevertheless there is an urgent need for further developments. Parliaments must get rid of any lobbies of various groups. Members of parliament, elected democratically, have to follow their own conscience and must be free from compulsion of party-spirit. The state and churches (religions) have to be separated. Public media must be independent from political control, from influences taken by editors. Media concentration, forced by mighty editors, are not compatible with democratic societies. Election campaigns are nothing better than subtle manipulations. Money is absolutely no reason for coming into any political position.
Life follows natural laws which are present everywhere in the universe. The new philosophy of Cosmonomy is based on this: Cosmos = universe, nomos = law.
The world can be explored, evaluated and explained without the necessity of any “Gods” or wonders. So Cosmonomy stands for cosmopolitan, pacifism and democratic humanity – possible only by adequate education.
It is very obvious that, by far, most people in the world cannot share these views because of traditional and political reasons.
When discussing, cosmonomers should be sensitive and careful.
Raymond Walden (alias Reinhard Wiechoczek) is a German author, born 1945 in Jena.
Founder (1971) of the Paderborn Public Observatory and chairman until 2002
Initiator of the international sun observing programme INTER-SOL (1976)
His work contains the following writings:
• Astrologie – Das falsche Zeugnis vom Kosmos (Astrology – the Wrong Witness of the Cosmos), 1984
• Uranus lächelt über Hiroshima – Die horoskopierte Gesellschaft (Uranus Smiles over Hiroshima – The Horoscoped Society), 1992
• Sentenzen von Freiheit – Kosmonomisches Manifest (Sentences of Freedom – Cosmonomic Manifesto), Angelika Lenz Verlag, Neustadt am Rübenberge, 2005
• Menschliches Glauben (Human Believing), Novumverlag, Neckenmarkt, Wien, München, Sopron, 2008
• Many articles in newspapers about popular astronomy and debunking astrology and other pseudo-sciences
Founder (2002) and chairman of a 'planetarium society' that is looking for money to hopefully build a planetarium one day.
English version revised by Alina-Olimpia MIRON
2 comentarii:
I agree with much of Franck Barfety's comment with regard to the Cosmonomic Manifesto, but his view that killing is permissible morally in certain cases, be they extreme,- nevertheless is surely overlooking the moral code within the Ten Commandments, ---and expanded very specifically into the unconditonal love of Christ and the visionary mystics and sages of History. Can we water down absolutes and call this true morality.Ifeel that this is the most important issue facing us as human beings.
Interesting comments, thank you. I look other views on Cosmonomic Manifesto and, of course, some explanations from the author.
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