An independent journal of national and international literature and culture
sâmbătă, 28 noiembrie 2009
Do not try to please others; you will be moving away from yourself.
Live your life doing what you want with only three limitations: do not injure your neighbor, do not injure yourself and do not allow anyone to harm you.
Cultivate your inner and no adversity will be able to bend you.
Do not try to show who you are not, not pretended authenticity will bring you an inner peace that is worth everything.
After an austere and objective (to the extent possible) analysis, only you decide on your blame and responsibility.
Take responsibility for your actions (errors) without considering the cost. Speculate with gains and losses in these cases, in the future, always ends in losses.
Do not let others manipulate you. Leave your limits set out clear and precise from the outset.
Try to know yourself every day a little more accurate with the idea that anything you discover will be good or at least better than keeping it hidden in the subconscious.
Do not pretend to be right, no one does. On these issues, who wins, always looses.
Do not need to explain your truths. If you understand them it's enough.
Relate yourself with others like if it was with you.
Learn to enjoy the solitude and silence. Train yourself to meditate on daily basis as if it was a biological need.
After having exhausted the means to enjoy complete health, accept your ailments without sterile protests that will only aggravate your situation. The disease is part of our health. Distance yourself from it. When it should be, better if it stays only in your body.
Live your life with consistency and respecting your own principles and death will come to you as a friend who helps you take the following steps and you will wrap yourself fearless in its arms.
The author apologizes for possible errors appearing in the text above
regarding that English language is not his mother tongue.
Writer, publicist and thinker from Israel, born on May 7, 1950 in Buenos Aires, Rudy Spillman spent his childhood and first youth in Argentina. He graduated the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires.
Since 1989 he lives in Israel with his family, in the city of Eilat.
Spanish speech writer (as mother tongue), Rudy Spillman has published many books: “Palmeycore’s Legend”, “Establishment Dvorak”, “A Life Dream”, “Reducing the Distances” (1999), “Guli Case” (2002), “Girafe’s and Snail’s Fable”, “Goma Queen”, “Pornocto and Rosirupta (two souls in the World Where Nothing Matters)” (2003), “The Paradise Hidden in the Back of Our Misfortunes” and his continuation, “Picking Reflections. Where Are We Going?” (2007), “A Matter of Sizes”, tragicomic satire and “MediMente – Meditation for Beginners” (2009).
Obviously, Rudy Spillman has all qualities to be appreciated as a good representant of Hebrew thinking and spirituality in contemporary world (D.D.).
marți, 24 noiembrie 2009
to what end is the end a riddle with spores of mild minions
sweltering in a Trojan Horse
ensued by the government
I've never walked under a bridge without blessing the sounds
of the fowl
yet millions of dollars are groping every dishonest wound
from Wall Street to the moon
and so poetry mounts atop Mt. Kilimanjaro
as vapor and ringworm
exposed and irked
as nerves cringe
as mouths laugh
as pundits analyze
as death surmounts
as poverty grows weary
as anarchy takes her foot out of the quicksand
singing of revolution
though your arms are weak
her mind stomps the malefaction of America
a great idea drifting into factions and
fractals of stumbling ice caps
Constantinople has fallen again
like a rank towel beaded with imitations of algae
in the worst winter of 1678
Constantinople had revealed a ghastly shadow
until the Danes in Northeastern Europe
where the waltz of the corroding winds
hummed up and down the ridges of the great verdant mountains
but now I have traveled into the astounding waste of 1912
bondsmen carry me from African precious stones
within their indestructible nuclei
awaiting my disgruntled cry
for a replenished sitting
while Constantinople reaches for precious Eastern balms
for the extant anguish in furrowed brows
of molested plankton
in all of the human seas of arrogant
and sadly winning is not an option
for walking dead men
with grand ideas
irking inertia
with no time to spare
here nor there
Ernest Williamson III is an American poet. He has published poetry and visual art in over 200 online and print journals. He is a self-taught pianist and painter. His poetry has been nominated twice for the Best of the Net Anthology. He holds the B.A. and the M.A. in English/Creative Writing/Literature from the University of Memphis. Ernest is an English Professor at Essex County College. Professor Williamson is also a Ph.D. Candidate at Seton Hall University in the field of Higher Education, and a member of The International High IQ Society based in New York City.
His poetic creation brings an original and significant voice in contemporary world.
Published in many prestigious periodicals from United States, Ernest Williamson III is contributor to Contemporary Horizon magazine (D.D.)
CONTEMPORARY HORIZON MAGAZINE has published, and continues to seek quality literary and non-literary texts by some of the finest writers, whether they are established, new or lesser-known authors.
Unsolicited submissions are accepted year-round. There are no set guidelines as to content or length. Anyone wishing to submit some of his or her work should first become familiar with the work previously published by the magazine. Our standards for acceptance are quite high. Sample copies and subscriptions are available for sale on our current site:
All submissions must be original and previously unpublished (if they have been published before, the author should obtain the publisher's agreement). All manuscripts must be typed and double-spaced, with the author's name, address, e-mail at the top of the first page, and numbered throughout. Send only your best work.
We are not accepting paper submissions at this time. All manuscripts must be written in English. Translations are acceptable, but must be accompanied by a copy of the original text.
We will read and consider simultaneous submissions, on the condition that the author notify us immediately, by email, if the manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere.
For other informations, please contact the editor: (A.-O. M., D. D.)
SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS are accepted via WESTERN UNION to the following address:
Dragomirescu C. Daniel-Florian
Str. Nicolae Bălcescu, no 77, bl. 77, sc. B, et. IV, ap. 32
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vineri, 13 noiembrie 2009
joi, 12 noiembrie 2009
The right for freedom of thought is manifested in twelve Cosmonomic Theses.
They are an invitation to reasonably respect every single person. In addition, dignity demands a firm stand against the destructiveness that is ruling archaically over the globe as the selfish power struggle of single persons, cliques or even misled peoples.
Nature follows evolutionary developments according neutral laws. This means that there are life protecting as well as life destroying principles. In this view, nature is without mercy and without compromise. But the human brain is enabled by education to humanize the laws of nature and gain profit from them to enjoy life and ease the natural and convenient death. This is a particular understanding that egoism can’t be the basis of humanity. Instead an individualism is needed, which is essential to an improving human society that regards the human being superior to any created ideal.
1st Cosmonomic Thesis: Human Dignity. There is no higher value than human dignity. It is unimpeachable.
2nd Cosmonomic Thesis: Equal Rights. All people have equal rights from the very beginning of life. Peerage is anachronistic; clerical and military rankings as well as academic degress give information about functions within the world of labour, but don’t play any role in public life. Complete gender emancipation does not indicate equalization of men and women but the appreciation of their supplemtary gender-specific differences.
3rd Cosmonomic Thesis: Non-killing Commandment Nobody has the right to kill a person except in self-defence.
4th Cosmonomic Thesis: Dying with Dignity. Everybody is entitled to a dignified death by choosing ease of pain and death granted preferably after an early decree during lifetime.
5th Cosmonomic Thesis: Sexuality. Human sexuality is originally a private affair and depends only on human dignity under free control by the partners involved.
6th Cosmonomic Thesis: Social Care. Society is obliged to grant health-care, education and labour to every person.
7th Cosmonomic Thesis: Personal Success. There is a fair competition of talent and ability for professional success. Cartels and combines take advantage without justification.
8th Cosmonomic Thesis: Economy of Participation. Properties and merits that were established by honest work must be respected. The laws of inheritance have to be put into perspective in order to avoid big landowners and encourage in any concerns the middle-classes. Honesty stands for provability and transparency of the whole economic system and rejects the exploiting capitalism to establish a human economy of participation that reduces and finally defeats poverty.
9th Cosmonomic Thesis: View of the World. There might be democratic discussions about the views of the world, they have to be tolerated as far as they are free from violence. Indoctrination and missionary work come into conflict with the individual development of the intellectual mind.
10th Cosmonomic Thesis: Environment. The enviroment belongs to all people in the same way as all people belong to the environment. The result of that is: Protection of animals, plants and landscape and the condemnation of the exploitation of natural resources just for some individuals' benefit.
11th Cosmonomic Thesis: Causality. Considering all methods of thinking, it is to say that the causal-logical, scientific method is by far the most reliable one to support human dignity and to give respect to the individual. Religion and esoterism are well-known patterns of subduing and oppressing the believers via man-made “Gods” and their representatives.
12th Cosmonomic Thesis: Democracy. Comparing the systems of states, democracy is the most favourable constitution; nevertheless there is an urgent need for further developments. Parliaments must get rid of any lobbies of various groups. Members of parliament, elected democratically, have to follow their own conscience and must be free from compulsion of party-spirit. The state and churches (religions) have to be separated. Public media must be independent from political control, from influences taken by editors. Media concentration, forced by mighty editors, are not compatible with democratic societies. Election campaigns are nothing better than subtle manipulations. Money is absolutely no reason for coming into any political position.
Life follows natural laws which are present everywhere in the universe. The new philosophy of Cosmonomy is based on this: Cosmos = universe, nomos = law.
The world can be explored, evaluated and explained without the necessity of any “Gods” or wonders. So Cosmonomy stands for cosmopolitan, pacifism and democratic humanity – possible only by adequate education.
It is very obvious that, by far, most people in the world cannot share these views because of traditional and political reasons.
When discussing, cosmonomers should be sensitive and careful.
Raymond Walden (alias Reinhard Wiechoczek) is a German author, born 1945 in Jena.
Founder (1971) of the Paderborn Public Observatory and chairman until 2002
Initiator of the international sun observing programme INTER-SOL (1976)
His work contains the following writings:
• Astrologie – Das falsche Zeugnis vom Kosmos (Astrology – the Wrong Witness of the Cosmos), 1984
• Uranus lächelt über Hiroshima – Die horoskopierte Gesellschaft (Uranus Smiles over Hiroshima – The Horoscoped Society), 1992
• Sentenzen von Freiheit – Kosmonomisches Manifest (Sentences of Freedom – Cosmonomic Manifesto), Angelika Lenz Verlag, Neustadt am Rübenberge, 2005
• Menschliches Glauben (Human Believing), Novumverlag, Neckenmarkt, Wien, München, Sopron, 2008
• Many articles in newspapers about popular astronomy and debunking astrology and other pseudo-sciences
Founder (2002) and chairman of a 'planetarium society' that is looking for money to hopefully build a planetarium one day.
English version revised by Alina-Olimpia MIRON
joi, 5 noiembrie 2009
God forbid that you should cry at my funeral,
you, sentimental bums,
you’d better cheer up my mom
and don’t forget to fill up
my brothers’ glasses,
or else I’ll skin you like calves,
I will be missing for sure,
I will have been away on business in the hereafter for a long time,
some will speak highly of me, I know,
what a pity, he was a great poet
yet don’t swallow it and don’t be sad,
you are drunk and sensitive,
it’s a funeral, after all ;
others will laugh up their sleeve
like in gellu naum’s poem,
as for you, bare your teeth,
dazzle death
with your healthy smile,
laugh while covering me in soil,
I’ll know then that you have loved me ;
should an old woman mourn
don’t be angry with her, she is old-fashioned
that’s the way old people are,
so was my old lady...
don ‘t let any priest touch me
and shoot the breeze,
read a couple of poems,
light a cigarette,
belt a few bottles of wine down,
it hasn’t been that bad after all,
there have also been good times,
look up in the archives
and don’t let sadness subscribe to you,
the monster may as well take the tram,
a big kiss as always, farewell !
Să dea dracu să plângeţi la înmormântarea mea,
derbedei sentimentali,
poate nu o înveseliţi puţin pe mama
ori poate uitaţi să le umpleţi paharele
fraţilor mei,
că vă belesc ca pe viţei, mă,
desigur, eu voi lipsi,
voi fi plecat de mult cu afaceri dincolo,
ştiu, unii mă vor vorbi de bine
păcat, a fost un mare poet
dar nu puneţi botul şi nu vă întristaţi,
sunt beţi si sensibili,
aşa e la înmormântări;
alţii vor râde pe ascuns
ca în poemul acela al lui gellu naum,
voi să nu vă ascundeţi beliţii dinţi,
orbiţi-o pe moarte
cu zâmbetul vostru sănătos,
râdeţi când m-acoperiţi cu pământ,
voi şti că m-aţi iubit;
iar dacă vreo bătrână se jeleşte
nu vă supăraţi pe ea că e de modă veche,
dar aşa-s bătrânii,
aşa a fost şi bătrâna mea…
nu lăsaţi niciun popă să se atingă de mine
şi să-mi cânte verzi şi uscate,
citiţi nişte poezii
aprindeţi câte o ţigară
radeţi câteva sticle de vin,
la urma urmei n-a fost chiar aşa rău,
au fost şi zile bune,
căutaţi în arhivă
şi nu lăsaţi tristeţea să-şi facă abonament la voi,
pocitania poate să ia şi tramvaiul,
vă pup ca de fiecare dată, cu bine!
My name is Aldea Marius-Ştefan, born (not made) out of my mother’s love for my father, on the 23rd of June 1987, in Cancer, taking after this strange creature the talent to progress while regressing according to the famous dance steps ”2 steps forward and 3 steps back”.
Literary contributions to the following magazines: ”Amfitrion", "13 Plus", "Oglinda literară"
Literary debut in 2006, after having won the debut prize in the ”Meaning of Love“ festival in Dr. Tr. Severin, with the volume of poems entitled ”The Third Eye“
I live in Timisoara (România) at present and I make a living by selling my poems from door to door; I have met a foolish girl who washes my shirts, I have no children, I live on the first floor as a lodger to a family of dentists, yet I have a toothache which gives me a soul ache every couple of weeks; I am a hypochondriac, the doctors say I will live for a long time.
Mă numesc Aldea Marius-Ştefan, născut(nu făcut) din dragostea lui tata pentru mama, pe 23 iunie 1987, în zodia Racului, împrumutând de la ciudata creatură talentul de a progresa în regres prin celebrii paşi de dans “2 în faţă, 3 înapoi”
Colaborări literare cu revistele: "Amfitrion", "13 Plus", "Oglinda literară"
Debut literar în 2006, în urma câştigării premiului pentru debut din cadrul festivalului”Sensul Iubirii”din Dr.Tr. Severin, cu volumul de poezie
“Al treilea ochi”.
În prezent locuiesc în Timişoara (România), îmi asigur traiul vânzându-mi poeziile din uşă-n uşă; am întâlnit o toantă care să-mi spele cămăşile, nu am copii, locuiesc la etajul 1 în chirie la o familie de medici dentişti, cu toate astea o dată la câteva săptămâni mă doare foarte tare o măsea, direct în suflet; sunt ipohondru, doctorii îmi dau mult şi bine de trăit.
Translated by: Lorena Clara FOTA
duminică, 1 noiembrie 2009
One would find many Gods in Hinduism. We have Vishnu, Siva, Ganesha, Kaarthikeya, Saraswathi, Krishna, Rama et all. One who worships a particular God feels and is taught to believe that his God is superior. We also find clashes between Gods. How rational is this?
It is not prevalent only in Hinduism. We have the same in Pagan worships in Europe, in Nordic mythology, in Maya civilization, in Greek civilization. In Christianity one worships Holy Father, His Messiah; In Islam, Allah and regards for Sal. Jainism and Buddhism deny the existence of God and condemn idol worship. Buddhists worship Lord Buddha and have erected statues. So is the case with Jainism. In Christianity, people worship Jesus, Infant Jesus, Mary. In Islam we find people worshiping at Dargha though it is proscribed in Islam.
Why so? To understand these phenomenon, one has to understand the evolution of religion and also human psyche. Man started worshipping first what he could not understand, could not control. He saw lightening. He was scared. Saw rains, gale, fire, Deluge that he could not control. He ascribed powers to them which he did not possess. This was the beginning of belief in Supernatural. (In Hinduism, there is nothing Supernatural as such; every thing is Natural).These entities were given Name and Form. Man believed that these could alter their behavior that would be beneficial to Man. But this does not happen. The variations of behavior of these entities affect each individual differently. An umbrella manufacturer prays for rain; depending on the state of the crop, agriculturists do not want rain (if it is harvest time). Office goers prefer rains, after they have reached their offices or after they are ensconced safely at home in the evening. Based on the benefits one gets, the individual believes his prayers have been answered and his faith grows stronger. Others feel let down and some turn Agnostics or even Atheists. Nothing is farther from Truth.
Elements behave the way they do according to Cosmic Principles, which we are trying to discover / decipher. Our Prayers / hopes / disappointments have no relevance. Then why worship at all?
The Reality is The Principle. It is a teleological. It has no Name and no Form. We call it by different names and visualize by various Forms.
Man, by nature is controlled by first and foremost by the instinct of survival. It is followed by thirst, hunger, gregariousness and sex. When any thing happens that threatens the satisfaction that would he attain by satisfying these instincts, he becomes nervous. He starts believing in things that are beyond him. Hence he starts worshipping. At times when things happen the way he wants, he has his faith reinforced. But when it does not happen to his liking, he blames himself or assigns it to Fate. This is not correct at the macro level. When Prayers are to be answered it should have been answered for all those who pray. If not, and only prayers of a few are answered, God is unjust and He does not deserve to be called God. This again is incorrect understanding of God.
God is a principle which has no name, no form, no likes, and no dislikes. Principles do not behave erratically; if they do so, they would not remain Principles. Why then we give name and form and worship? Human mind needs an anchor to cling to in times of desperation, especially when things go wrong for them. They need an explanation or excuses for things gone awry. They need some things to hang their boots on. It is a psychological necessity. So we believe in symbols and later in Human forms. (Why is it we describe God only as a Human Being? Is it because we are human beings and we feel we are superior to other living things on earth? If an ass were to conceive God, it would describe Him as a Superior Ass. Is there any thing wrong in this? As God, is common to all living things, why should He have only a Human Form? In fact, He is Nameless and Formless.
And again each individual has emotional / sentimental attachment (many may deny; let them ask themselves whether they have sentiments / emotional attachments. Fact is they do have. Let them know that it not unseemly to have sentiments and attachments. Some are attached to mother; some to father; yet some to friends; some to Beauty; some to valor. As many Gods are possible as there are likes in Humans. One finds easy to relate to them. We feel comfortable when we assign a Form and express ourselves to that Form. It has a healing touch when things go wrong. As one slowly develops this feeling of togetherness with the Form, one realizes gradually that he is a part of the Absolute Reality and one would not be disturbed when things go wrong. Again, when one whole - heartedly transfer one’s emotions / sentiments / problems to a Form, slowly the positive thought that he is only an instrument in the cosmic nature of things, will ensure that he attains what he yearns for and if he does not attain what he wants, he would have developed the fortitude to weather the problem. Remember, mind can not contemplate on ‘NOTHING’. It can not operate in a vacuum.
This is the first step in Realization of Self. Though the Reality has no Name and Form, worshipping names / Forms (various Gods), leads one gradually to the realization that these names and forms do not really exist and that they are only one of the many processes to realize the Ultimate Principle.
One may ask - why believe in something, which we are going to find out to be irrelevant at a later time? For any journey, first step must be taken. After reaching the Destination, the First step may seem irrelevant. But it is essential. After attaining PhD, nursery class seems to be irrelevant. But without nursery class, one would not have obtained PhD.
In a Nut-shell, God does not have Name and Form. But we need to have name and Form to realize the Reality. So, different forms and names are best left to individuals as they know best what they like.
How come then God appears to People in the Form they worship?
Venkata Ramanan (born in 1951, India) is a retired senior management professional. Currently he is management consultant in education and visiting professor to Varsities on management conducts courses in soft skills, stress management. With degrees in philosophy and psychology, Venkata Ramanan spent many years in learning „Vedas”, sacred books of Hindus. He is interested in philosophy, psychology and in anything that stimulates the mind.
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