All hands on deck
We are ready to sail!
Milling round the dock,
Chattering, catching up
Gathered together
To celebrate one day,
Our paths crossing,
Different generations
All corners of the world.
The wind, the sun,
The sea air whipping
Our cheeks, our hair.
Boats sail by,
Barges of the past,
Containers of the future,
Estuaries discovered
Journeys often made
By seafaring folk.
The men (and women) helm
Raise the ropes high,
To billow out sails
Catching the wind.
We glide through
Suffolk at its best.
Seeing the landscape
With a different eye
Fresh perspectives
From river running,
A timeless flow
A day out to remember.
Sue Wallace-Shaddad has been writing poetry since her early twenties. She was born and brought up in Suffolk and now lives there, although works in London. She is married to a Sudanese academic and civil society activist and has a daughter (a singer-songwriter) and a son (study-ing film production). Her career with the British Council, in the field of education and culture, has taken her all over the world. Sue has had poems featured within in-house magazines. She reads poetry regularly at Arlington’s Poe-try Café in Ipswich (organised by Fred Ellis of Poetry An-glia), on local community radio and has taken part in Ipswich Music Day and IpArt Festival. Sue is a member of The Suffolk Poetry Society. She has attended workshops run by Heidi Williamson and Catherine Dell.
Sue observes and reflects, captures moments of time in both her own life and the lives of others, painting pictures with her words.
Sue Wallace-Shaddad scrie poezie de la douăzeci de ani. S-a născut şi a crescut în Suffolk, locuind aici şi în prezent, deşi lucrează la Londra. Este casătorită cu un intelectual sudanez şi activist civic, având o fiică (cântăreaţă şi textier muzical) şi un fiu (care studiază producţia de filme). Cariera sa în cadrul British Council, în domeniul educaţiei şi culturii, a purtat-o prin întreaga lume. A publicat poeme în diferite periodice. Ia parte activă la reuniunile cenaclului Arlington’s Poetry Café din Ipswich (organizate de Fred Ellis of Poetry Anglia), la emisiunile radio locale şi a participat la Ipswich Music Day şi IpArt Festival. Este membră a Societăţii Poeţilor din Suffolk. A participat la atelierele literare organizate de Heidi Williamson şi Catherine Dell.
Sue Wallace-Shaddad observă şi meditează, surprinde momente semnificative atât din viaţa personală, cât şi din viaţa celorlalţi, pictează tablouri cu propriile sale cuvinte.
Traducere de Daniel Dragomirescu
Read more in CLH 2 (34)/March-April 2013
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Thank you, Daniel and Sue, for this!
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